Roni Stern
Dept. of Software and Inf. Sys. Eng.
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Research Interests
I enjoy almost anything that has to do with Artificial Intelligence, but mostly work on heuristic search, multi-agent planning, automated diagnosis, learning model for planning, and using AI for better Software Engineering.
Current Roles
Faculty member at the Dept. of Software and Information Systems Engineering, in Ben Gurion University (BGU)
Head of the Software Engineering program in BGU
Associate Editor and Chair of the Award-Winning Papers track in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
Open positions
I am currently looking for motivated Ph.D. students and Post-doctoral researchers to work with me on funded projects in the following topics:
Learning action models for planning in a multi-agent system. Funded by the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF). ​
AI methods for improving Software Quality. Funded by the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).
Automated diagnosis of computer networks. Funded by the Israeli Ministry of Innovation, in collaboration with Ceragon Inc.
Contact me at first_name.last_name @
Honored to have been awarded the AAAI senior member status in this year's event.
Wiktor Piotrowski presented in AAAI 2025 our joint AIJ paper on "A domain-independent agent architecture for adaptive operation in evolving open worlds". This is joint work with Shiwali Mohan, Wiktor Piotrowski, Sachin Grover, Sookyung Kim, Jacob Le, Yoni Sher and Johan de Kleer.

Two former students recieving their Ph.D.: Dr. Dor Atzmon and Dr. Ilya Leybovitch. Dor is current af faculty member in Bar-Ilan University and Ilya is teaching courses at Ben Gurion University while holding a researcher position at a tech company.
The Online Hebrew Intro to AI Course
I'm delighted to invite everyone to the first online "Introduction to AI" course in Hebrew! covering the basics of classical AI, and features a team of top AI researchers including Prof. Ariel Felner, Prof. Ronen Brafman, Prof. Kobi Gal, Prof. Guy Shani, Dr. Nadav Rappapot, Dr. Dor Atzmon, and Argaman Mordoch.
You can watch the course as part of the platform via this link or directly in YouTube via this link.